ACM SIGMOD Vancouver, Canada, 2008
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Editorial Advisory

Cultographies’ 111 Best Cult Films Ever


book cover2001, A Space Odyssey
(Kubrick, 1968)
book cover37.2 Le Matin
(Beineix, 1985)
book coverAguirre, der Zorn Gottes
(Herzog, 1972)
book coverAkira
(Otomo, 1988)
book coverApocalypse Now
(Coppola, 1979)
book coverBack to the Future
(Zemeckis, 1985)
book coverBad Taste
(Jackson, 1987) 
book coverBaise-moi
(Despentes / Trinh-Ha, 2000)
book coverBarbarella
(Vadim, 1968)
book coverBehind the Green Door
(Mitchell Brothers, 1973)
book coverThe Big Lebowski
(Coen Brothers, 1998)
book coverBlade Runner
(Scott, 1982)
book coverThe Blues
(Landis, 1980)   
book coverDas Boot
(Petersen, 1981) 
book coverBrazil
(Gilliam, 1984)
book coverThe Breakfast
(Hughes, 1984) 
book coverBride of
(Whale, 1935)
book coverBringing Up Baby
(Hawks, 1938)
book coverThe Cabinet of
Dr. Caligari
(Wiene, 1919)
book coverCannibal
(Deodato, 1979)
book coverCasablanca
(Curtiz, 1942)
book coverUn chien andalou
(Bunuel/Dali, 1929)
book coverCitizen Kane
(Welles, 1941)
book coverDaughters of Darkness
(Kumel, 1971)
book coverDawn of the Dead
(Romero, 1978)
book coverDonnie Darko
(Kelly, 2001)
book coverEasy Rider
(Hopper/Fonda, 1969)
book coverEdward

(Burton, 1991)
book coverEl Topo
(Jodorowsky, 1970)
book coverEmmanuelle
(Jaeckin, 1973)
book coverEmpire
(Warhol, 1964)
book coverEnter the Dragon
(Clouse, 1973)
book coverEraserhead
(Lynch, 1977)
book coverEvil Dead
(Raimi, 1983)
book coverFaster Pussycat
Kill Kill
(Meyer, 1965)
book coverFight Club
(Fincher, 1999)
book coverFive Deadly
(Chang, 1978)
book coverFlaming Creatures
(Smith, 1963)
book coverForbidden Planet
(Wilcox, 1957)
book coverFreaks
(Browning, 1932)
book coverGimme Shelter
(Maysles Brothers, 1970)
book coverGinger Snaps
(Fawcett, 2000)
book coverGodzilla
(Honda, 1954)
book coverLe grand bleu
(Besson, 1988))
book coverGremlins
(Dante, 1984)
book coverHarold and Maude
(Ashby, 1971)
book coverHellraiser
(Barker, 1987)
book coverHeat
(Morrissey, 1972)
book coverHitch-Hiker
(Lupino, 1953)
book coverI Walked with
a Zombie
(Tourneur, 1943)
book coverIchi the Killer
(Miike, 2001)
book coverIt’s a Wonderful Life (Capra, 1946)
book coverJailhouse Rock
(Thorpe, 1957)
book coverLa jetee
(Marker, 1963)
book coverThe Killer
(Woo, 1987)
book coverKing Kong
(Cooper, Schoedsack, 1933)
book coverKoyaanisqatsi
(Reggio, 1982)
book coverThe Lord
of the Rings

(Jackson, 2001-2003)            
book coverMad Max
(Miller, 1979)
book coverMeet me in
St. Louis
(Minelli, 1944)
book coverMommie Dearest
(Perry, 1981)
book coverMonthy Python
and the Holy Grail
(Jones, 1974)
book coverMs 45
(Ferrara, 1981)
book coverNight of the Hunter
(Laughton, 1955)
book coverNight of the
Living Dead
(Romero, 1968)
book coverOnce Upon a
Time in the West
(Leone, 1968)
book coverPandora’s Box
(Pabst, 1929)
book coverPerformance
(Roeg/Cammell, 1970)
book coverPink Flamingos
(Waters, 1972)
book coverPlan 9 From
Outer Space
(Wood, 1959)
book coverThe Princess
(Reiner, 1987
book coverPsycho
(Hitchcock, 1960)
book coverPulp Fiction
(Tarantino, 1994)
book coverQuai des brumes
(Carne, 1938))
book coverRaiders of the
Lost Ark
(Spielberg, 1981)
book coverRe-animator
(Gordon, 1985)
book coverRebel Without
a Cause
(Ray, 1955)               
book coverReefer Madness
(Le Gasnier, 1936)
book coverRepo Man
(Cox, 1984)
book coverRingu
(Nakata, 1998)
book coverRock ‘n’ Roll
High School
(Arkush, 1979)
book coverRope
(Hitchcock, 1948)
book coverThe Rocky Horror
Picture Show
(Sharman, 1975)
book coverSalo
(Pasolini, 1975)
book coverSaw
(Wan, 2004) 
book coverScanners
(Cronenberg, 1981)
book coverScorpio Rising
(Anger, 1963)
book coverSeven Samurai
(Kurosawa, 1954)
book coverThe Shawshank
(Darabont, 1994)
book coverShowgirls
(Verhoeven, 1995)
book coverSinging in the Rain
(Donen, 1952)      
book coverSissi
(Marischka, 1955-57)
book coverSound of Music
(Wise, 1965)
book coverStranger Than
(Jarmusch, 1984)
book coverSuperstar
(Haynes, 1987)     
book coverTenebrae
(Argento, 1982)
book coverThe Texas
(Hooper, 1974)
book coverThis Is Spinal Tap
(Reiner, 1984)
book coverTop Gun
(Scott, 1986)
book coverTouch of Evil
(Welles, 1958)
book coverTrainspotting
(Boyle, 1996)
book coverTurkish Delight
(Verhoeven, 1973)               
book coverVampyros Lesbos
(Franco, 1970)      
book coverVideodrome
(Cronenberg, 1983)
book coverWarriors
(Hill, 1980)
book coverThe Wicker Man
(Hardy, 1973)
book coverWillie Wonka
and the Chocolate
(Stuart, 1971)
book coverWithnail and I
(Robinson, 1987)
book coverThe Wizard of Oz
(Fleming, 1939)
book coverLes yeux
sans visage
(Franju, 1959)
book coverZero de conduite
(Vigo, 1933)


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